Thursday, June 11, 2009


i am back in action!

have a few projects lined up.

going to make a heracross for my stepbrother's birthday if i can figure out the pattern i want to use.
it's in japanese and it uses charts.
i don't know japanese and i don't know how to read charts.
so i've been asking around for help and there are quittttttttttte a few people out there that have helped significantly.

still working on my octopus...but it's turning out verrrrrrry cute. ^o^
can't wait to finish it and post pics.

a luma will be next!
i recently bought a wii with super mario galaxy and they are TOO ADORABLE.
i haaaaave to make one.
and there's a few pics for inspiration online. woohoo!

then there's navi! i need to figure out wings, but other than that should be a snap.
i'm kinda going on a video game amigurumi rampage!
but all for the love. *swoons*

sooooooooo, now that i've mentioned everything, it's time to get to work! >:3

btw, i've set up a ravely account if you're interested.

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